We are now working out, I wouldn't say a routine, but a flow. Anders has already a bit of an internal clock, so he likes to eat about every 2.5 hours and typically falls within similar time periods within the day. Some days he sleeps a lot while others he a bit more fussy - and especially at the witching hour. But he loves going to walks in our fancy (aka expensive) pram - and especially we enjoy it too while the British spring weather is really great right now.
We've accomplished many bus trips into town, visits to friends, having friends visit, coffee shops, the pub, and some Dr appointments. We also meet at a baby group each Tues (although he's still too little really) and with the NCT mums and babies on Thursdays. Sometimes we also go to the Big Scream movie on Wednesday, which I really enjoy.

As much as we educated ourselves and prepared, you still can't be 100% prepared for what it's like to have a baby! So it's been a steep learning curve. I felt like we hit a milestone at the 1-month mark- we were all surviving! Now I feel slightly back into normalcy, but it's definitely a new normal. We will definitely have challenges as it's just the two of us living here, taking care of Anders - versus having family or easier child care around. But so many others are doing it here too, and Oxford is really family friendly. I'm taking advantage of my 12 month maternity leave and so thankful I can have up to that much! In the US, I might already have to be back to full-time work.
Well here we enter our new phase of life after 10-years of child-free marriage bliss! :)