I'll write multiple posts to tell you about my trip to Belgium to visit my brother Charlie, but just wanted to start off by giving the overall update of what we were both doing over there in the first place. Charlie was invited to play with a Belgium baseball organization and help coach some of the younger teams. He'll be in a southern suburb of Brussels from March through October. This opportunity came up rather quickly for him, and he jumped at the chance to do two things he loves, baseball and learn a foreign language. He's already pretty good at Spanish, but will have to learn French in Belgium (or Dutch or German, but French is the main language spoken there).
Charlie arrived only about 1 and 1/2 weeks ago, and I was excited to get over there to see him as soon as I could. Also, it was his birthday on the 22nd, and I wanted to be there with him to help celebrate. So I planned a quick trip over there from the 22nd til the 26th, and just returned with lots of fun pics and stories to share.
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous traveling over there by myself, mainly because I don't speak a lick of French, and can barely pronounce the few words I do know, correctly. I see a foreign word, and I want to pronounce it in Spanish, even if it's German or French or whatever. But since I went to Brussels first, people could speak some English and liked to practice speaking English anyway.
Brian wasn't able to join us as he had a talk he was preparing for, so next time we'll get him to go over as well.
Oh, and I can't forget one of the most important "B" words from Belgium - beer!! They truly have the best beer in the world, and I almost cried when I had to return to boring warm English beer. So more on this later.
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