Our weekend trip to Ireland started on Saturday with a bus ride to London Gatwick airport at about noon, and then a hour and half flight delay. We were flying on one of the European budget airlines for the first time, Ryan Air, and wasn't quite sure what to expect. Besides the delay in leaving, it was a pretty decent airline for a quick trip. It's one of those no frills airlines and even drinks cost money on the plane, and checking even one piece of baggage costs extra money. But that's their point of being really cheap. Also, you don't get assigned seats, so you want to que early enough to get a seat sitting together. With only the two of us, it wasn't too big of a deal.
We arrived in Dublin later than expected, but luckily hadn't planned to meet up with Andrea and Ruairi until later the next day. We arrived to our accommodations by 9 p.m. and were staying at Dublin City University. It was a cheap way to stay in the city, and found the room to be one step up from a typical dorm room. So it basically had everything we needed including an ensuite bathroom and comfy bed. It wasn't in the city center, but we could catch the city bus close by in the morning.
Because we arrived late, we just looked for the closest food source which ended up being Chinese take out! Not quite the Irish food experience, but at least we knew what were getting in to! Then we found a corner pub and enjoy a pint or two with the locals. We were surprised to see some popular American beers on tap there - mainly Bud Light. England won't touch American beers with a ten-foot pole, let alone have them on tap. Maybe you can get a Bud heavy (regular Budweiser) in a bottle at a few pubs or even the supermarket. But so far that's all I've seen here.
Was a long day of travel to get to our destination, but it all worked out great and we were excited for time to explore and visit with our friends.
The pics here are of DCU where we stayed for our accommodations.
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