The next day, Sunday we said goodbye to Rick and Kate and headed back to Minnesota with Al and Jackie. We drove straight there and stopped for dinner at Olive Garden. Brian and I still had a busy week coming up, so they next day we planned on getting going to start visiting some friends and other family members while we were back in the U.S.

Our first stop on Monday was to see my college roommate Laura, her husband Jacob and their kids. Evy is two and Wilson was just born a few months ago. We hadn't met Wilson yet, so were excited to see him. And he has a cute Oxford onesie as well! We were also super glad to see Laura's sister (and also a past college roomie of mine) Sarah at their place too. She was helping watch the kids and really getting in practice since she was 9 months pregnant! (As of this blogging, Sarah's had her little boy Roman Scott Kreykes and mom and baby are doing great.) As usual, it felt like a short visit, but was great to see them all.

Next stop was Bloomington at the Batz hotel. The Batz hotel is the home of my aunt Melinda and uncle Paul and three cousins, Ben, Katie and Anna. Many of you might remember I would live with them during the summers in college while I had summer internships in Minneapolis. The Batz hotel is now where Brian and I love to crash when we're in town to hang with the fam. We were really on the way to the high school musical practice, Joseph and the Techicolor Dreamcoat. Ben had the lead part of Joseph for his final year in high school, and Katie, a junior was the lead dancer. Brian and I were going to miss the actual performance dates of the show, but luckily could sneak in and watch a good hour and a half of rehearsal. They practiced almost all of the first half and Kelly cried watching cousin Ben sing and perform. Ben was in 5th grade when Kelly moved to Oregon, and so much has changed since then! It was absolutely great, and we're looking forward to watching the full performance on DVD.

The last stop of the night was to visit Brian's good college friend Ben Threinen and his new girlfriend Meghan. We haven't seen Ben in quite some time (well actually we saw him briefly in January, but it had been years before that). We were looking forward to just having a nice dinner and visit with him and see what all is new. We went to his loft in Minneapolis and grilled out steaks, chicken and shrimp (all was so yummy!) and had a great time. We got to know Meghan a bit and the guys ended the night as they used to, playing guitar together. They are so good playing together and have a great time. Brian has missed his guitar these last 6 months, so we brought it to the UK on our trip back. Anyway, it was so great catch up with Ben and see that he's doing well.
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