As usual, we crashed at the Batz motel in Bloomington (I realize I don't have any pics from hanging with the Batz fam!). On Saturday, we finished running a few more errands and then took my cousin Anna with us to lunch at Wallys for a roast beef sandwich. Yum! Marcy had to head back to Mason City, and I went to my new cousin's 1-year old birthday party.
My cousin Patty and her husband Scott have two adorable girls, Ashley (about 3) and Hannah (just turned 1). Brian and I are Hannah's God Parents and it was so great to be able to be with her on her special birthday. She's grown so much since her baptism back in January.
Saturday night I hung out with good friend Meghan for some drinks and good catching up on conversation. Sunday I went to church with cousin Katie and ran into an old high school friend Sarah Larson, who attends the same church as the Batzs. Brian also arrived back in the cities from his Canada trip mid-afternoon.
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