Sunday, 23 March 2008

Happy Easter!

We have recently returned from another lovely meal at Brian's advisor's home here in Oxford (Ian and his wife Kate, and 3 kids). We were invited over for Easter dinner, along with Gina, and Ian's parents, their neighbor John and two of Kate's music students from the US, Chris and Ruth. It was a full table again, but so nice for us to have a warm and inviting home to go to for a holiday. We had a wonderful 4-course meal, which probably took 3-4 hours when all was said and done. Watercress soup with scallops for the first, lamb and roasted veg and potatoes for main, cheesecake for pudding, and cheese and fruit for dessert, with tea and coffee of course. There were chocolate bunnies and easter eggs of course, and even a bit of singing in Latin around the piano at the end of the evening. Oh, and our dinner prayer was said by Ian in Latin, but we're not really sure what we said. So hopefully it was appropriate!

Hope you're having a wonderful Easter Sunday and that your springtime is arriving shortly!

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