Sunday, 7 September 2008

Visit from MN crew and trip to Scotland

Was great having the MN ladies to visit and tour around. They enjoyed exploring on their own while Bri and I worked, and then doing some fun things together on the weekends and week nights. Meg's mom Karen was around the first week, and then she flew home, and Meg's friend Kelly come over and met up for the second week. Megs, Kel, Brian and I went to Scotland all together for a long weekend. Was a great time (although another rainy weekend) to be in Edinburgh, as it was during the annual Fringe Festival. Was great seeing tons of live snippets of comedy, musicals, plays, theatre, bagpipe playing, you name it, it was there to entertain you.
We luckily snagged the last 4 tickets to the world renown Edinburgh Tattoo - an outdoor music concert/parade/band show at the Castle. It was absolutely fab and as Scottish as you could get. However, those young Norwegian soldiers in uniform were mighty fine to watch . . . :)

We also hired a car for two days to drive up further north through the Scottish highlands. I wasn't sure what to expect, as I knew they weren't "mountains" as Americans know them, but it's a beautiful area of huge hills (which I know it's the proper word either). They were covered in purple heather for August, and were so colorful. Looks like a painter had painted stripes of green and purple all over the landscape. The photos don't do the color justice at all. We stayed at a lovely B&B in Inverness. Of course, we were that close to Loch Ness, so took a fantastic drive around the entire lake (which is huge) and thought we spotted the Loch Ness monster! We'll never know for sure . . .

My biggest impression of Scotland is on how friendly the Scots are. Maybe it was since it was the Festival and they try extra hard, or if it's just in comparison with snobby Oxford, but I really liked the Scots and their friendly, laid back attitude. It was quite refreshing!

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