Hello lovely blog followers!
Good news is that my extremely intelligent (and handsome I must say), hubby has saved our old files off the dead hard drive and upgraded our Mac - so I'm back online! I did always have access to email, etc, at work or on Brian's laptop. But I enjoy blogging on our home desk top Mac and obviously need access to our photos to help tell you what we're up to.
Now I should be able to upload video clips and the process for me with the blogging should go smoother and quicker (fingers crossed)!
Lots have been happening for us since the crash to update you on. In a nutshell (and I'll post longer updates soon) - Mom and Dad enjoyed Scotland (a bit cool and rainy but what else is new over here) and then we enjoyed a weekend trip to London to for a British-inspired 4th of July for dinner and a West End show - Billy Elliot. Mom and I loved it, I think the boys weren't too sure about a boy doing ballet in a tutu. :)
Then, we took a week trip to Norway to visit friends we had made when we first moved to Oxford. Our Norwegian friends Kristine and Oyvind live in Oslo, and our Swedish friends, Elin and Magnus also drove over from Gothenburg. It was such a special week to visit and reconnect with our international friends.
And last week, Brian's good buddy from Gustavus, Nelson and his fiance Amanda, came over for a visit. Nelson was physics grad, and now works as an accoustic engineer at Apple in California. Amanda is in law school and also a midwest gal. They came over for 4 days in Oxford to see us, and are currently now traveling around Belgium and Paris for the rest of their holiday.
We have a little down time right now in August, and have to admit, the weather has been pretty nice for an English summer. In few weeks, Elin and Magnus are coming back over to Oxford with their kids, to visit us and the city again.
In the meantime, we are just enjoying the sun, the pubs, and our life and friends here in the UK. Just today, we took a bike ride in the sun to the neighboring village, Eynsham. And guess how our day ended? Cheers!!
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