Sunday, 8 May 2011

Holy Moly where have I been?!

Obviously I've let my blogging slip a bit  . . . or a long bit! It was a 2011 New Year's resolution to get back into it - and here I am in early May!  Well it's better late than never. I don't want to give up the blogging because it's great for a number of reasons, 1) it's an online diary for Brian and I about our lives abroad 2) great way to share with friends and family with what we are up to and 3) gives me a good extracurricular activity to do!

I think the lack of blogging has to do with a number of things as well 1) shocker of getting over the fact that we'll be living abroad longer term now (not just a fun two years of being tourists, but realising this is our true life reality now) 2) after four years already in Oxford, amazingly I can say that the novelty starts to wear off (see point 1 - it's now our normal reality) and 3) I don't think we're doing as much interesting stuff (again point 1 - we're just working, cooking, cleaning like everyone else)!

But that last point isn't completely fair to say, looking back at our iPhoto library since August 2010 - there are a ton of fun things we've been up to. So I'm going to go through a quick recap of each month with some favorite highlights.

Going forward, my aim is to blog at least once a month. I know it's not as much as I used to when we first moved here - but it's what I think can be a sustainable amount at this point, and if there are more posts than one a month - then bonus!

I'm glad to be back!

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