Busy day today! I am making the best of being unemployed and I quite like it! Brian and I finally had a chance to sign up at the gym yesterday. So this morning we had to go around the gym with an instructor before we were allowed to workout on anything. He had to show us every single piece of workout equipment, how it works, and then we had to test it out to show him we won't break it or ourselves. We also had to conduct a health assesement, which included a blood pressure test, weigh in and fill out a medical history form. I felt like I was at the doctor's office! We came away with clean bills of health I guess, and looked like we could use the equipment well enough without breaking our arms off or something, so we're excited to finally get back in shape! Nice thing about this facility is that there is a pool for Brian to swim in, free pilates, yoga, aerobics classes for me and showers!
After the gym, Brian headed to work and I went to the Wednesday morning Newcomer's Coffee again. By now, I realized I knew about 4-5 gals already, so was fun to chat with them and figure out what trips we're signed up for this coming week. This is the group that I went to tour Warwick Castle with last week. I met 3 other girls on that trip who I befriended. Betinna is from Germany, Anna from Croatia and Olga from Russia. I already met up with Betinna yesterday for cream tea, and will see Olga tomorrow at a Oxford City tour we've signed up for.
After this morning's regular coffee meeting, the club's annual Spring Lunch started at noon. The volunteer committee members, who are a tad older and mostly are European and call us all "loves", put together a typical English ladies lunch with a little raffle. Very fun, just to see the entire event. The members all bring in various types of salads they prepare at home, and then there are various French quiches to try. Mine was a spinach, walnut and stilton cheese quiche. Quite interesting I would say. Stilton is a blue cheese which the English are well known for. One glass of wine (we tried to go for a second, but they said only one glass comes with lunch). I did enjoy the lunch, but there can only be so many salads made with mayonaise. Yikes! They also then like to serve a round of fruit after your plate, then a round of chocolates along with a round of coffee. Quite a long leisurely lunch!
After the lunch, the sun was shining and the temperature was moderate, so Betinna and I decided to go walk about the city centre for an hour or so. We walked through a few University parks, and discovered that we could visit one of the colleges for free, using her University card. So we visited the grounds and some of Magdalen College. It was beatiful and she took pictures which I hope she sends and that I can post. We were able to look in the Dining Hall, the church and the deer park. You'll have to come visit to really get a sense of the historic beauty here.
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