Saturday, 17 February 2007

Why Ultra Wag?

Welcome to our Oxford blog! You'll mostly hear from Kelly on the blog, but hopefully Brian will be able to post once in awhile too. We finally found a little time to get this thing off the ground, and it especially helped when I figured out a name for it. With the help of the guys in Brian's new Ultrafast physics group, I learned that I am a "Wag". And in British slang - Wag means "wives and girlfriends". Victoria Beckham is the ultimate Wag for obvious reasons. But when we were at the pub last night with some of the lab blokes and a few of the wives/girlfriends also came, the guys teasingly named the gals the "Ultra-Wags" for the Ultrafast group wives and girlfriends. Ha ha!

Keep visiting to see what we are up to and we'll try to get photos posted too. Please comment and let us know how you're doing!

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