Yikes it's been over one month since I last blogged! Definitely a number of reasons for that, mainly including as I mentioned, not having Internet when we first moved to the new place. Now we do, but we are still without a desk or extra table to put the computer on. So we're looking into buying a small and inexpensive computer desk to get that all set up. It's just not as easy to type/email/blog when you're working off of moving boxes! Currently we're actually in Brian's office on a Sunday afternoon, so we can catch up a bit on email and such.

Much has happened this month, and really the past two months, which have all been great of course. In a recap sort of fashion, the highlight in March was my 30th Birthday with John and Marcy visiting to help celebrate. We mainly hung out in the UK, while J&M went up to Liverpool for a couple of days to do the Beatles tour. Then to London over the weekend for a nice dinner out and a West End show. If you've ever been into the Monty Python movies, you'd love the show we saw called Spamalot. Pretty fun stuff!

End of March into April brought more Kelly family visitors, and this time it was aunt & uncle Melinda and Paul, and cousins Ben, Katie and Anna from Bloomington, MN. They are a Gustie family, so guess how excited we were to hear that Cousin Ben is going to Gustavus next fall for college! We had a fab time with them here, and showed them all the sights in the Oxford/London/Thames Valley area. By the end of the week, we were also were joined by Paul's sister Liesl, who used to live in London for a number years. Highlights included; visiting the Queen's castle while she was in residence at Windsor Castle, tour inside and out at Blenheim Palace, drive to Bath and seeing the Roman Baths, picnicing at Stonehenge, Harry Potter touring at Oxford and of course a full dedicated day of shopping for the gals! London included a tour of Kensington Palace (where Princess Diana lived), tour on the London Eye, riding the Underground, and then more fun for just the Batzs at the Tower of London. And a big birthday highlight for Uncle Paul included an excellent Oxford pub tour with his new Physics department mates!

Last but not least, our last visitor of the spring was Brian's best buddy and roomie from Gustie Days, Steffan Freeman. Steffan is in Jackson Hole Wyoming now as a land steward and thought it was a good time for a little holiday R & R. So we had a great time showing him around Oxford and the surrounding countryside. We also got to check out a new place Brian and I haven't been too yet - Stratford Upon Avon. It's Shakespeare's birthplace, and they really do it up! But great tours to check out and it's a fab town. It's pretty close to get to from Oxford, so fun to add to our list of places visited. Steffan also too some day tours on his own, while we were at work, and even sat during a House of Commons session at Westminister in London. Was so great to see him!
We love having visitors, and there is so much fun stuff to go see and do. And if in doubt, there are plenty of pubs to frequent! So do let us know if you are thinking about it, because honestly, our time is filling up and coming to a close early next year. So let's make a plan!
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